Robert Mowat Associates

Shorty Garcia Park

Shorty Garcia Park

Union City’s popular ball fields were exploding with use. Local turf fields were not capable of the intensive use by various leagues competing for space. Soccer leagues in particular were finding not enough fields to share. Competing schedules and leagues catalyzed the City to devote significant land and resources for local soccer. Robert Mowat Associates were hired to create a 3 acre park with two full size competition soccer fields. After researching various companies and locales, RMA was able to find a durable, low maintenance, soft textured artificial turf for the City’s use. Crucial to the year round use of the fields was a specialized sub surface drainage system designed by the firm to ensure dry fields. A complex system of piping, graded hip and valleys and specialized drain fabric created a drainage system which allows the fields to be year round. League lighting was installed for night use.

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