Robert Mowat Associates

Mariposa Park

Mariposa park

An involved public outreach program led by Robert Mowat Associates helped create a community infused park of environmental sensitivity. This small city infill park exemplifies the possibilities that public open spaces can be more than traditional park elements. What was once a collection of haphazard residential buildings is now a program of micro habitat for migrating Monarch butterflies. Integrated within a larger scope of environmental responsiveness, a new social and wildlife rest stop has been created.

RMA re-introduced a new compelling design to the community with the idea of creating new Monarch appropriate habitat in this small public park space. The park embraces this new ecosystem that sustains itself within an historic community. Biologically diverse and environmentally friendly park improvements celebrate this neighborhood’s past history and it’s new transformation. Mariposa Park is now the heart of the West Shoreline district. Multiple activity zones allow people to connect and mingle in new ways. Combining play, education and habitat, elevates this park to a new level of environmental stewardship. Amongst the walking paths, picnic area, educational panels and play areas, a genesis of new community social activity is taking place.

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