Robert Mowat Associates

Livemore 5D

Livemore 5D

Pinn Brothers Inc. had an option on an 82 acre parcel in the South Livermore Planning District which required 1 acre of vineyard for every 1 acre of proposed housing. Robert Mowat Associates hired as land planners designed a home community woven amongst vineyards, proposed wineries and two central recreational park elements. The land plan extended an existing roadway through the site offering connections to the west and east for adjoining communities. The plan also included traffic calming elements. Small cul de sacs were designed by the firm to offer some homes no thru traffic. The land plan includes a mitigated seasonal wetland for treatment of on site storm water. The plan created 77 units at 1 DU/acre. The proposed Ag use and winery sites were located so as to minimally impact the proposed homes.

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