Robert Mowat Associates

Brentwood Roadways

Brentwood Roadways

Central Boulevard is the major thoroughfare connecting downtown Brentwood with several outlying neighborhoods. Robert Mowat Associates created a design framework and landscape identity for this new open space corridor. The firm designed a 1.5 mile streetscape vocabulary that links the downtown with several home communities. Key to this civic connectivity is the strong concept of evergreen foliage, pedestrian linkages, a Class 1 bikeway and the preservation of existing plantings of high value. Pathways connect regional trail points and allow strategic connectivity between important nodes. The colorful and low maintenance plantings make this streetscape one of the most visually vibrant green corridors in the City. City standards were faithfully followed by the firm during design programming. The streetscape is unified through trees species, streetscape materials and the connective layout of trails and walks.

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